Veganic – two movements coming together
As Seed the Commons, we do not promote veganic farming because we think it’s the only way to be sustainable. We promote veganic because we want to apply what we know of sustainability within the parameters of our minority ethical system, i.e. the position that cows are no more food than dogs.
Others, more knowledgeable than us, have been touting agroecology as an alternative to industrial agriculture. We wish to amplify their voices and contribute to their movement, but without compromising our vegan ethic. Instead, our participation in this movement can have the double benefit of promoting agroecology and normalizing veganism. We are part of two movements: one for food sovereignty, the other for animal liberation. Veganic is how we are making them work together.
This is why at last year’s People’s Harvest Forum we featured talks by vegan agroecological farmers, and we will continue to invite them and others and build on this work at our upcoming forums.
We will be updating the People’s Harvest Forum website in the coming months. Check back often, and even better, help us organize! To remain updated on our work to promote veganic farming, like the Fb page of our Working Group on Veganic Farming.